Vehicles, items, and locations…

This week in Zombox update news:

I’m going to be adding several new vehicles to the game. Here’s what their base (ie…untextured) models look like:

I’ve also added a bunch of new findable items:

And finally, a new location! This is the survivor encampment where the game begins.

13 Responses to “Vehicles, items, and locations…”

  1. Montina says:

    this game looks awesome and wo have kept an eye on it for a long time, will it release soon? we hope can promote it since it released, we are a professional website about apple(http::// After our editors finish the test, we would be glad to do a video and a profeesional report to introduce it and promote it. looking for cooperate with your team!

  2. Montina says:

    this game looks awesome and wo have kept an eye on it for a long time, will it release soon? we hope can promote it since it released, we are a professional website about apple( After our editors finish the test, we would be glad to do a video and a profeesional report to introduce it and promote it. looking for cooperate with your team!

  3. Ryan says:

    Amazing! Keep it up

  4. X-WolfHunter says:

    Wow, this actually looks pretty good. What’s the backstory with the encampment? And who’ll be there?

    Also, I don’t know if you forgot or anything, but I still haven’t got the answer as to where you learned your Javascript. I’m finding it relatively okay going, but I don’t fully comprehend it, meaning I won’t be able to write my own script, meaning . . . please answer, just right here would be fine.

  5. X-WolfHunter says:

    Hi Tyson.

    I feel like you don’t check your comments often enough . . . I’ve been asking for two weeks (literally) where you learned your Javascript and game developing . . . but no answer.

    And I don’t mean whether you learned it on your own or not. I mean, references and stuff. Or at least a nudge in the right direction. I’ve already started learning, but there’s no way in heck that I’ll be able to do what I want to do with the resources I’ve found. You’ve done crazy stuff with your game that I’d have no idea how to go about. Where did you learn? Specifics, please.

  6. Tyson Ibele says:

    @ X-WolfHunter:

    Hey, sorry I’ve been busy lately and haven’t checked the comments here in a couple of days. And I just logged into my ZS&DW account for the first time in over a month and see your message there now too.

    I learned JavaScript the following way:

    When I started using Unity, I went through the FPS tutorial here:

    I picked it apart to see how the code functions, and got a grasp of how components, game objects and other aspects of Unity works.

    Then I browsed the Unity forums and Unity Script Reference for more information. Then I tried to adapt parts of the code in that tutorial to my own tests.

    Then after a few weeks, I felt confident enough to try my own game project….and a year later, that’s what Zombox is.

    Learning to program is a slow, but steady process. The best resources I use are a combination of the Script Reference, the Unity forums and Unity Answers.

    As for your other question in your PM on the other site, I put about 20-30 hours a week into Zombox…give or take. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

  7. your name says:

    its may and I’m not rushing i gust want it bad, tell me how closer are you. is it coming out middle of may end of may or this week.

  8. Tyson Ibele says:

    @ your name:

    I’m behind schedule so I can pretty much guarantee that it won’t be out in May…….

    I’m working on a “when it’s done” deadline now, since every time I think I’ll be able to get it done soon, work/other priorities take over and I can’t work on it so much.

  9. X-WolfHunter says:

    Thanks, Tyson. I’ll just do that. 🙂

    In the next month or so, look for me on teh webz, I’ll be starting my game game.

  10. X-WolfHunter says:

    Imma back. I see you’ve switched to a every-two-week-update format? Ah, well. Too bad.

    Hey, did you use an external program to add your details to your models? I’m sure you can do it in Blender, but I’m just wondering . . . I’m working on modeling the base character for my game (I’ll change the textures for different NPCs etc.), and I was just wondering how you texture your models. Again, I’ll be just fine on my own, but it’d be cool to get an answer back. 🙂

  11. Tyson Ibele says:

    @ X-WolfHunter:

    By “details” to models are you referring to the textures? If so, yea, I use photoshop.

    If you’re new to texturing, the workflow is as follows:

    1) model your object
    2) layout UV maps for your object in Blender
    3) paint a texture map based on those UVs in your painting program of choice
    4) Apply the resulting texture to the object’s material

  12. X-WolfHunter says:

    Yeah, that’s what I mean. Thanks.

  13. Adam says:

    Looking good!
    Will you be showing it off at Full Indie this month? I want to check it out, last I saw it was in January :p

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