Jungle Moose released…

Jungle Moose has been officially released for iOS and Android! …Now back onto Zombox development! 🙂

App Store

Google Play

21 Responses to “Jungle Moose released…”

  1. Erik says:

    Really awesome looking game! Can’t find it on the swedish app store yet, will keep looking 🙂 The video was fantastic. How did you get such a good voice over and video?

    • Tyson Ibele says:

      Hey Erik,

      It might take a bit of time to propagate to all of the app stores (a few hours)….At the time of posting this I had checked the Australian, US and Canada App Store and it appeared in all of them…so I assumed it was everywhere. I guess a few are still waiting for it 🙂

      The voice was provided by Jon St. John…it might be hard to recognize him since he put on a British accent, but he’s also the voice of Duke Nukem from all the old Duke Nukem games. I hired him from Voice123.com.

  2. Rudi says:

    Wow! Grats! Featured under Best new games in the norwegian app store! Showed some love by disabling ads;) Can’t wait for the first Zombox release! Keep up the good work man!

  3. Fadi98n says:

    Hey Tyson
    Congrats on the release the game is incredible
    Also i just checked the American App Store and jungle moose is 144 on the overall top charts, and 44 in the games top charts
    It is also featured on the best new games section in the app store, so congratulations 🙂

  4. Fadi98n says:

    Oh and also you got one of those little banners in the featured section!

  5. Geta-Ve says:

    DL and bought the game Tyson. Great little app you got there and some very interesting tech, what with the hippo being eaten up. Really well done.

    My main critique on this game though is that the 2D assets, intro screen, buttons etc are a slightly different style than the 3D assets. Also they are quite compressed on my iPad Mini Retina.

    One other thing, after the hippo eats the chair after the level he simply stops animating. Would be nice to have some kind of idle anim going on.

    Otherwise I love everything about the game. Well made, cute, and does exactly what it sets out to do.

    Great job man!

    • Tyson Ibele says:

      Hey Geta-Ve,

      Thanks for the critique! I’m no designer and so I can definitely appreciate someone with a keener eye for style than me seeing that my assets are not as congruous as they could be.

      As for the end animation, heh! Funny you mention that….I always wanted to supplement the animation after he eats the stool so there was a subtle loop there but it got put off in order to make way for other tweaks and features I had to work on until I eventually forgot about it. In the future if I get a chance I will add something there.

      As for the compressed assets, I had to put some heavy compression on a few of the textures in order to maintain a really low file size for the whole game, but if it’s that noticeable on the retina displays, I might go back in and change that. Which assets specifically were seeming most compressed/low-res specifically?

      Thanks man I appreciate your feedback!

  6. papaonn says:

    Dear Tyson, congrats on your first game published and successful grtting on best new app 😉 though the game is hard to beat with the swiping a lil hard to accurately locate the fish , everthing is so well made 😉

    I am also an indie and your fan since 2 years ago when zombox first appeared and have been following you from time to time 😉

    I understood how painful and lonely it is to finish off a game and often had mines about giving up and try some smaller scale game, i had been into 16 months development of my title as well, and yet to complete, hope to share with you one day 🙂

    As a junior, i hope to get some advice from ur experience.
    Did you protect your source code with some security layer such as mangling the code? or some licensing DRM protection?

    Lastly, how much does it cost for a voice actor on the game? how bout some UX + postal art design cost?

    Thank you so much Tyson, and allthe best to zombox development 😉

    Daniel Hii.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Awsome dude, gonna get it now!!!

  8. Fadi98n says:

    Hey Tyson
    I was just checking online and saw this website: zombox.weebly.com it claims to be the official website for Zombox (which is obviously not true) and has a button that says “download the alpha version of Zombox now” which takes to a Dropbox download link with the size of 782.99 MB, this is could be a virus.

    I’m telling you because if it isn’t yours you should probably warn people via Twitter or this blog, so they don’t get a virus or something like that.

    • Tyson Ibele says:

      Woah…thanks for the heads up Fadi! I hadn’t seen that site.

      I’ve contacted weebly about it…hopefully they take it down. I don’t want to post too much about it on Twitter or wherever because that might have the opposite effect and cause people to click on the link, or post about it themselves, which could drive up its SEO rankings. I’d rather it just quietly disappears 🙂

  9. Rustamungus says:

    Game is awesome, keep up the great work. Might not ever play it again but bought the add free just to support an awesome independent developer like you. Can’t wait for zombox!

  10. Anonymous says:

    25 days of inactivity and still no update for Zombox…

  11. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on Jungle Moose! Love your art style and animation on everything. Looking forward to the next release!

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