Weapons and items…

I’ve put a lot of work into the weapon/item system. I want Zombox to feature hundreds of items that can be found all throughout the environment, each with its own unique stats and/or purpose. I’ve already created the assets for about 75 collectible item types, along with 20 craftable weapon types (yes, Zombox will feature a crafting system). There are also going to be 8 levels of wear-and-tear that each item may exist in…from damaged/broken to clean/new, with a whole bunch of other states in between, as well as a special “super” state that will essentially be the most rare type.

So…100 weapons/items x 8 states = 800 scavengable items…and that’s not yet including armor, clothing, food, etc.

Here is an image showing most of the item assets that I’ve modelled so far. This is just a list of 128×128 renders of the 3d models, which are ready to be loaded into the game engine.

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