Special attacks…

Posted in Characters, Items, Zombox on August 25th, 2012 by Tyson Ibele

So as I implement all the character upgrades, I’ve been re-thinking a few of them.

One of the changes I made this week was having the special attacks occur after you charge your weapon with zombie hits, rather than at random intervals. This has the benefit of making special attacks a reward for fighting skill, while also allowing the player to strategically decide when to use them (because after you charge your weapon, you won’t go into special-attack mode until you tap the weapon icon).

Here’s an animated .gif showing how this works (the overlay text is for illustration only):

Upgrade integration…

Posted in Characters, GUI, Items, Zombox on August 17th, 2012 by Tyson Ibele

So I’ve been working on getting the upgrade system actually implemented into the game.

The upgrade menu can now be opened by clicking your character in the inventory panel. The various categories in the upgrade menu can be examined by clicking the arrows to the right and left of the category name at the bottom. The actual upgrades for each category can be examined by clicking the arrows under each upgrade animation.

The main guy in the upgrade animations is no longer nude, and instead he adopts whatever clothing your character is wearing.

Also, I’m about half-way done implementing all of the actual upgrades into the game. There are now special attacks you can perform, all kinds of stat bonuses, special items to get, etc…all purchasable with upgrade points within the upgrade menu. And in case it wasn’t clear, every time you gain a level from earning XP (by killing zombies, performing quests, etc), you get a new upgrade point you can spend in the Upgrade Depot.

The following animated .gifs demonstrate how the animated menu looks, and a few of the special attacks (special hand attacks, special 1-handed melee weapon attacks and special 2-handed melee weapon attacks)


Minor update…

Posted in GUI, Zombox on August 4th, 2012 by Tyson Ibele

Hey everyone,

Was on vacation last week but this week I’m back at it.

Worked on the layout for the upgrade screen and finished off the 50 upgrade animations. Once these are implemented into the game, it’s just a matter of coding in the actual upgrade abilities and then I’m done with all the character customization systems.

Here’s how the layout is looking. I’ll demonstrate what all the different buttons and things do in the next update!